What books do you recommend to improve my sight reading ...?

The following books have been recommended to improve sight reading:

Melodic Rhythms For Guitar - William Leavitt.
Rhythms Complete - Charles Colin & Bugs Bower
Reading Contemporary Guitar Rhythms - M.T. Szymczak

Also many recommend playing pieces from the classical repertoire, not only for reading practice, but also to improve technique.

"I keep two violin books handy for sight-reading and practice.

I recommend Kreutzer's 42 Etudes and Caprices, and another book of studies by Dont (I believe the subtitle is Prepartory for Rode and Kreutzer Studies - but it isn't any easier than Kreutzer on guitar)

There's some nice melodies in there - though a few of the etudes are just arpeggio soup, it's nice to work with a non-guitar mentality. The violin excercises designed for position shifts often lay very nicely on guitar and become string skipping studies"

"I started working on Bach's Partita #1 (Courante) which has been sitting on my music stand for months, and realized how much fun playing pick-style classical stuff is, and how much it helps in improving articulation at higher tempos (especially when done on a folk guitar w/ fat strings)."

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