I want to announce my sound clip or home video ...?

We support and encourage the posting of sound clips, bites and home videos from regular posters. Postings should observe the following guidelines:

The post title shouldt be in the format "Name:Tune #Clip" (e.g. “Joe Blow:Giant Steps #Clip” ) and contain a link to an external URL. Please ensure you you use the hashtag #Clip this ensures that members can use their mail programs to file and save the message in a specific folder. See: What do the subject prefixs mean ...?

Out of respect for other members please do not indulge in excessive self-promotion. Please keep your signature block to four lines and 60 columns at maximum. Read Signature Etiquette

See Also:

I want to promote my video ... ?

I want to promote my CD/MP3 ... ?

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