What do the hashtags mean ...?

These are the hashtags used in the group. Hashtags enable members to write rules to filter the message they receive from the group.

For example #CD/MP3: enables members who receive individual messages to write email message filing rules, so that all links to sound files MP3's and CD's can be saved into a selected folder. That way members can retrieve them later and they don't just get deleted like other messages.

How to Use the Rules Wizard in Outlook

#Ad --- Advertisement for Book or Workshop

#Admin --- Moderator Administration notices.

#Ann --- Misc. announcements (concert itineraries, etc.)

#CD/MP3 --- Announcement of a CD/MP3 release ( See: I want to promote my CD/MP3 ... ? )

#Clip --- Announcement of a Sound or Video Clip ( See: I want to announce my sound clip or home video ...? )

#FA --- For Auction (non-commercial sales items from individuals) Pointing to links on Auction sites such as Ebay ( See: I want to sell my Guitar or Amp ...? )

#FS --- For Sale (non-commercial sales items from individuals (if you wish, you may specify your geographic location i.e. FS-US: or FS-UK: etc. ) ( See: I want to sell my Guitar or Amp ...? )

#FT --- For Trade (non-commercial trades from individuals (if you wish, you may specify your geographic location i.e. FT-US: or FT-UK: etc. ) ( See: I want to sell my Guitar or Amp ...? )

#GIG --- Announcing a GIG. Please include location i.e. GIG: Chicago ( See: I want to list my gigs or workshops ...? )

#Review --- Review of a recording, concert, or workshop

#Req: --- Requests (e.g. for specific guitar, tablatures)

#RIP: --- Rest In Peace (Obituary Notices)

#Meta: --- Posts discussing moderation practice and/or general issues of interest to the operation of YJGG.

#OT --- Off Topic (Items of general interest to members but not on topic)

#Video --- Announcing a VIDEO ( See: I want to promote my video ... ? )

#www --- Announcement of a new web site or a substantial revision. Please describe the site; don't simply post the URL. Also consider adding it to the link directory. ( See: I want to announce my website ... ? )

#Wtb --- Wanted To Buy

#Wtt: --- Wanted To Trade

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