These are the hashtags used in the group. Hashtags enable members to write rules to filter the message they receive from the group.
For example #CD/MP3: enables members who receive individual messages to write email message filing rules, so that all links to sound files MP3's and CD's can be saved into a selected folder. That way members can retrieve them later and they don't just get deleted like other messages.
How to Use the Rules Wizard in Outlook
#Ad --- Advertisement for Book or Workshop
#Admin --- Moderator Administration notices.
#Ann --- Misc. announcements (concert itineraries, etc.)
#CD/MP3 --- Announcement of a CD/MP3 release ( See: I want to promote my CD/MP3 ... ? )
#Clip --- Announcement of a Sound or Video Clip ( See: I want to announce my sound clip or home video ...? )
#FA --- For Auction (non-commercial sales items from individuals) Pointing to links on Auction sites such as Ebay ( See: I want to sell my Guitar or Amp ...? )
#FS --- For Sale (non-commercial sales items from individuals (if you wish, you may specify your geographic location i.e. FS-US: or FS-UK: etc. ) ( See: I want to sell my Guitar or Amp ...? )
#FT --- For Trade (non-commercial trades from individuals (if you wish, you may specify your geographic location i.e. FT-US: or FT-UK: etc. ) ( See: I want to sell my Guitar or Amp ...? )
#GIG --- Announcing a GIG. Please include location i.e. GIG: Chicago ( See: I want to list my gigs or workshops ...? )
#Review --- Review of a recording, concert, or workshop
#Req: --- Requests (e.g. for specific guitar, tablatures)
#RIP: --- Rest In Peace (Obituary Notices)
#Meta: --- Posts discussing moderation practice and/or general issues of interest to the operation of YJGG.
#OT --- Off Topic (Items of general interest to members but not on topic)
#Video --- Announcing a VIDEO ( See: I want to promote my video ... ? )
#www --- Announcement of a new web site or a substantial revision. Please describe the site; don't simply post the URL. Also consider adding it to the link directory. ( See: I want to announce my website ... ? )
#Wtb --- Wanted To Buy
#Wtt: --- Wanted To Trade
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